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‘s declineThe LFO Curse: The Tragic Timeline Of The Band’s decline

's declineThe LFO Curse: The Tragic Timeline Of The Band's decline

As it turned out, Cronin’s death was just the beginning of a long and tragic journey for the two men. After Cronin’s death, Fischetti lost another important member in the band, as well asoppy where his love for the music came from. He went on to describe LFO as “a perfect 10” and “the best that could be” when talking about the band’s goodbye.

s declinethe lfo curse the tragic timeline of the bands decline (via Primetweets)

In 2017, the final LFO song was released by Devin Lima and Brad Fischetti, titled “A Perfect 10,” an upbeat and catchy pop song where the duo describe their “perfect girl.” Fischetti made it clear that he and Lima aimed to make their best friend and late bandmate, Rich Cronin, proud. “We’re sincerely thankful and excited to have the opportunity to create new music and tour again. We miss the presence of our late great brother bandmate Rich Cronin. We will do our best to make him proud, carry on his legacy, and to usher LFO into the future,” he told Entertainment Weekly.  

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Fischetti also stated that Cronin truly never wanted the group to end, as he spoke to him 10 days before he died in 2010. “He said, ‘Listen man, people still care about us,'” Fischetti remembered.

“I know Rich loved LFO, and when you love something, you don’t want to see it end,” Fischetti stated to The Ringer. “We just wanted to keep the name alive, and go out there and bring some joy to the fans.” With the release of their 2017 song, Fischetti and Lima had plans to tour before their aspirations were cut short with even more devastating news — Fischetti was about to lose another bandmate and close friend to cancer.


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