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Watch the Stars of “Elemental” Play Pixar Pictionary — and Find Each Movie’s Deeper Meaning

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If you’re a fan of Pixar, then you know the iconic animated movies often explore themes that are deeper than simply meets the eye. “Inside Out,” for example, explores mental health; “Ratatouille” is about following your dreams, no matter where you come from. And “Elemental,” Disney and Pixar’s latest flick, which hit theaters on June 16, is no different.

“Elemental” follows Ember, a girl made of fire who lives in Element City, which is populated by different people made of the four elements. When she meets Wade, who’s made of water, romance ensues — but not without obstacles (as you could probably imagine). So what’s the biggest theme here? According to Mamoudou Athie, who voices Ember, it’s that love conquers all. Leah Lewis, who voices Ember, agrees.

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POPSUGAR sat down with Athie and Lewis ahead of the film’s release to play Pixar Pictionary, in which each star took turns drawing a Pixar movie while the other one guessed what it was. But this wasn’t your typical game. At the end of each round, both stars discussed themes central to the movie they were drawing and guessing, and deep conversation ensued.

When talking about “Brave,” for example, both stars opened up about the gender stereotypes they’ve faced in their own lives. “I’ve been a sensitive guy my whole life,” Athie told his costar. “But it took me a really long time to feel comfortable expressing real sadness or vulnerability.”

Lewis, meanwhile, grew up doing things that “weren’t very ladylike.” That was a surprise to people around her, she said: “Having a more outward or demanding demeanor or one that’s a bit stronger than what one might expect from a tiny little Asian girl . . . people don’t really expect that,” she said.

They talked about much more — from their personal superpowers to their generation’s biggest fears — and in doing so, Lewis and Athie proved that playing pictionary isn’t only about your art skills. (Although we’re curious to hear what you think of theirs.) Watch the two “Elemental” stars draw, guess, joke around, and get deep, all in the video above.


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