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Find Your Inner Peace First Thing in the Morning With These AM Hacks

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We’ve all been guilty of a few bad nighttime habits, like doom scrolling right before the lights go out. But did you know that bad habits in the morning can impact your sleep as well? Not only that, but sloppy morning habits can cascade and throw off your day before it even starts.

Luckily, a few changes to your morning routine can help you de-stress, energize, and get you feeling productive without taking too long to get ready. With a little bit of science, a dash of self-care, and maybe a delicious breakfast of Wendy’s New Homestyle French Toast Sticks*, you can have your best morning ever. Check out these tips to hone your AM routine.

Prep the Night Before

OK, so it might be a lot to get everything ready the night before. But some basic tidying will let you wake up to a not-messy space, which is crucial for starting your day on the right foot. Make sure you’ve got water to hydrate and set out anything else you might need early: clothes, to-do lists, reminders, and fully charged electronics. The less scrambling you’ll need to do before heading out the door, the more time you’ll have to de-stress and gather your thoughts.


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