
I AM Homefull, Employed, Healing, And Driving! – My Story

love stories primetweets (via Primetweets)


It was 2015 I had gone to stay with a sibling in Houston and it didn’t work out. I left and became homeless again after 5 years of not being there. I had been homeless chronically for years and I also had a seizure disorder.

Well, it was very hot and humid in Texas and I had been 3 months on the streets of Houston. I was angry and almost depressed. That is something I rarely am, no matter how bad a situation I am in. I remember walking down Main Street in front of a fast-food chicken chain when a voice clearly came to me. It told me to go to the public library located on Quitman Street and type in this well-known LOA teacher. At the time I didn’t know that was what he was. I had heard of the law of attraction because I remember I was given the book The Secret by an inspirational speaker at a homeless center in Atlanta in 2006. It made me feel good. Too bad I lost the book weeks later.

Anyway, I typed in the name of this LOA teacher that was given to me by this voice whom I call God. The first thing that came up was “How To Use The Law Of I AM”. Now that hit me. I was raised in the church and read the Bible all the time and I had never heard about this at school. All I remember was the teacher on YouTube saying that whatever you say after the words “I AM”, you become. I was startled at first but I listened and really tried to see if I could find any loopholes in what he was teaching. However, since he said “I AM” is the name of God, I couldn’t dispute that. He said that “As a man thinketh, so is he” and I knew that was biblical so I couldn’t prove him wrong.

So I thought I would try this thing called an “affirmation”. I thought he was nuts but I did know a little about the power of words from ministers and churches I attended years earlier, but not the importance of “I AM”. What did I have to lose by walking the streets saying the affirmation “I am a money magnet”?

All of a sudden I noticed money on the ground, pennies, and quarters. A relative caught up with me and gave me $10 outta the blue. Then I was sent out on a day labor job. My high school teacher asked me if I wanted to come back to my native California and I said yes, but I needed to work up to saving some money to get back. He then in turn offered to pay for my trip as long I didn’t tell anyone of his good deed.

I started to wonder, is this “I am a money magnet” thing working? After all the years of learning church dogmas and school education, my life was changed in days from 4 words. I then challenged it more after I finally made it back to California. Since I was homeless before in LA, I already knew what shelters to go to. I added more LOA books to my backpack including The Secret again. I was offered money from another high school friend but I had to pay him back, no problem. It was happening fast. I still had my doubts about “I AM” so I decided I wanted a regular job.

After 10 years of receiving welfare assistance I began to make my own affirmation, “I am employed”. I would say this to see what would happen. My friend from New York drove up to me 3 days later. I had never seen him drive since he was homeless the last time I saw him. He told me he was a street sweeper and told me he could help me receive a job. I ended up working there for 3 months.

I had been diagnosed with a terrible seizure disorder when I was 23 and the sun was getting to me and I was scared so the supervisors pulled me from there and three days later put me in a company that needed office cleaners. I ended up working so much that I became one of their best workers, winning company awards and a lot of money.

I had two other affirmations I made up, “I am healing” and of course, “I am home full” instead of homeless. I continually worked while making these affirmations. After 9 months of shelter life, my social worker found a small studio for me.

I haven’t had a seizure since 2015! I made the affirmation and visualized “I am driving”. Because of my seizures, my license was taken from me in 1996. I got it back in 2018! I used to visualize driving with a toy steering wheel and a cutout driver’s license with my picture on it on my vision board. I ended up being a Lyft driver!

I was practically given an old truck and now I just purchased my favorite car that I had visualized driving 4 years ago! It is the same make and model car!

I found out that whatever I say after I AM, I truly become. I am happy and grateful even for the time I went through in Houston. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I am so grateful for The Magic book on gratitude which has changed a lot of circumstances for me in just 2 months. Truly trust the process after planting the seeds. I pray this is an inspirational testimony.

Submitted by: Andre

Los Angeles

I am a security guard. I used affirmations and LOA to get out of years of unemployment, homelessness, and a seizure disorder. I love practicing this very much, especially visualization.

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