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These are the supplements a spin instructor takes to keep her energy up

Have you ever wondered how spin instructors always manage to pedal to the beat, demonstrate perfect form, and spout off motivational speeches, all while barely breaking a sweat? Oh, and they’re getting ready to do it all again in the next class.

Whether they’re teaching spin classes or virtual HIIT workouts, fitness instructors are known for non-stop stamina—but believe it or not, their seemingly endless energy does have a limit. Knowing she’s constantly giving her job her all, cycling instructor Sydney Miller sat down with Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN, founder of Real Nutrition, to get advice on staying energized (and healthy) while leading back-to-back classes.

“I am super active because of my job, which I love, but I do find that my energy level crashes at the end of the day,” Miller says. “Since I rely on my body and physical health so much, I also want to make sure I’m supporting my immunity so I can work consistently.”

“Since I rely on my body and physical health so much, I also want to make sure I’m supporting my immunity so I can work consistently.”

Since Miller can’t be her most energetic self if she’s less than 100 percent, Shapiro recommends she stock up on immunity supporters like Nature’s Way® Sambucus Lozenges, which are made with black elderberry extract and vitamin C, and are easy to stash in a gym bag.* “You can take them after classes in order to soothe your throat from talking so much and to support your immune system,” Shapiro says.*

Miller’s super-active lifestyle can be physically hard on her body, so Shapiro also suggested ways to reduce muscle soreness, along with energy-boosting snacks to sustain her throughout her day—but you’ll have to watch the video to get the scoop on those. (Spoiler: The snacks involve nut butter.)

To learn more about the best supplements for energy and immunity, and to get more of Shapiro’s advice, watch the video above.*



Sponsored by Nature’s Way®

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Written by: WellGood


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