Bakery: Slab Sandwiches and Pie, Seattle, Washington
Date Eaten: 12/10/19
Cost: $3.50
When I did a quick internet search for the best chocolate chip cookie in Seattle, a lot of sites pointed me to Slab. They’re a sandwich shop but they make fresh cookies everyday, but are only open from 11-2 so plan accordingly. When I got my cookie it wasn’t warm but still pliable from the oven with the pools of chocolate glossy and melted. This was a giant, thin cookie with crisp caramelized ridged edges with a distinct golden brown edge and a slightly paler middle that had the best kind of chew. Many crackles and a generous amount of flaky sea salt sprinkled on top to contrast the sweetness. The chocolate was almost perfect: stratified in thin layers throughout and melty without being drippy. The texture was also almost perfect with that just right chewy almost underdone but in a way. Everything came together to taste like what you think a chocolate chip cookie should taste like, at least to me. A very very good cookie, both straight from the case, and a couple hours later after sitting in a cold car. 10/10 would recommend.
Edges: 4/5
Middle: 3.5/5
Chocolate: 4/5
Cookie: 4/5
Taste: 4/5
Total: 19.5/25
Follow along as I search for the world’s best chocolate chip cookie: methodology, what makes a good cookie, and a list of all the cookies I’ve eaten, right here.

Slab’s famous Chocolate Chip Cookie