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Poor Widow Cooks Stones To Feed Her Hungry Children

A woman living in Mombasa, Kenya, has been cooking stones for her children since the outbreak of Coronavirus pandemic.

Prior to the lockdown in Kenya, the poor woman identified as Peninah Bahti Kitsao, worked as a local laundry woman. However, due to the subsequent lockdown, her customer base drastically dwindled and she could no longer raise enough money for feeding.

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According to reports from BBC, Peninah said she always hoped her children will fall asleep while waiting for the meal (stones) to get ready.

Her neighbor, Prisca Momanyi, who was taken aback by the whole act, informed the media about the woman’s plight.

Fortunately, after being interviewed by NTV, the woman has been receiving help from people who made donations to her bank account after being touched by her story.

Peninah Bahti Kitsao said she could not believe people would come to her rescue the way they did, calling everything a big miracle.



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