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Anita Joseph Breaks Down In Tears As Husband Surprises Her On Her Birthday (VIDEO)

anita joseph breaks down in tears as husband surprises her on her birthday video 1

Nollywood actress, Anita Joseph got very emotional after her man, Fisayo Michael alias MC Fish surprised her on her birthday with a live band and cakes.

anita joseph breaks down in tears as husband surprises her on her birthday video 2

The actress turned 35 on Saturday and she  shared adorable photos on her Instagram page with prayers for herself.

While the actress was out and about, her man had something for her up his sleeves and he didn’t fail to deliver.

Anita Joseph and boyfriend

Overwhelmed by the show of love, Joseph broke down in tears and her boyfriend was there to wipe her tears as they held each other in a tight hug.

Watch the video below:


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