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Barry Allen’s entire Arrowverse backstory explained

intro 1589825023

The Flash’s fourth season introduces a slew of new baddies, all created by a single mastermind. When Barry confronts this head honcho, he finds a dying man in a wheelchair named Clifford DeVoe. He underestimates the man, and Barry is framed for his murder.

While Barry sits in prison, DeVoe takes over the body of one of his creations. The Flash nearly gets sold to a black market dealer in superpowers named Amunet Black. A shapeshifter created by DeVoe clears Barry’s name. DeVoe continues to hop around the bodies of those he created, while the Flash and his friends set about warning his remaining progeny.

DeVoe reveals his plan: He hopes to use a series of satellites to permanently rewire every human on Earth, a plot he calls “The Enlightenment.” Barry teams up with Amunet Black, and they destroy DeVoe’s main satellite with a bomb procured via their connection to illegal markets.

DeVoe had planned for that eventuality, however. His satellites begin falling to Earth, targeting Central City. The Flash very nearly fails to stop all of the falling satellites, until a new Speed Force user named Nora appears. She helps to stop the destruction, but tells the Flash he just made a terrible mistake. 

intro 1589825023Written by: Looper


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