It’s been over a month since Tiger King first took the quarantined nation by storm, and it’s still going strong, which is to say it’s still yielding more content. While much of the attention has revolved around its “star,” zookeeper-turned-convict Joe Exotic, second place goes to his nemesis, Carole Baskin, and not exactly in a good way. In fact, some people, Joe included, believe she had some hand in her husband’s disappearance, though there’s no hard proof behind that claim. On the lighter side, she got pranked into giving an interview she thought was for The Tonight Show. Ron Howard on Arrested Development voice: It wasn’t.
This comes from Entertainment Weekly, who showcased a new video by YouTube pranksters Josh Pieters and Archie Manners, who conned Baskin into granting what she thought would be her first major interview since the show came out, having so far only spoken to local reporters.
In the video, entitled “We Tricked Carole Baskin into Giving Us Her First Interview Since Tiger King,” Pieters and Manners show their work, tracing how they managed to school their prey, mainly by exploiting Zoom and its various technical loopholes. For instance, they were able to take audio clips from old Jimmy Fallon interviews and play them back to her while his video screen was allegedly off, fooling her into believing she was talking to one of late night kings.
You can watch the full video above, and remember: Be careful when you’re chatting on video streams. You never know who’s up to what on the other end.
(Via EW)
Written by: Uproxx