Nigerian Woman Defends Her Marriage Stance
Kate Chinagorom Eze, a woman from Nigeria, has openly stated that she would not leave her marriage even if her husband chooses to take another wife or has a child outside their relationship.
This assertion was made in a Facebook post dated January 16, where she addressed criticisms she received after expressing her joy about her marriage while implying that some women react hastily to issues like infidelity.
She mentioned that her husband is of Igbo descent, where marrying more than one wife is culturally accepted.
“Why do some women perceive my husband marrying another woman, cheating on me, or fathering a child outside our marriage as some sort of catastrophe?” she queried.
Many quickly pointed out the potential for such scenarios, but Kate reassured them:
“Honestly, you underestimate how ready I am for the commitment of marriage.
“None of the concerns you raised would compel me to end my marriage. In Igbo culture and African tradition,
having a second wife or children outside of marriage is not considered wrong.
“Try to intimidate me another way, because that won’t work.”