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Husband Stabs Wife’s Suspected Lover to Death (Photo)

Husband Stabs Wife’s Suspected Lover to Death (Photo)
husband stabs wifes suspected lover to death photo (via Primetweets)

Police officers have arrested a man for killing his wife’s suspected lover.

This is according to the police in Kapsokwony, Bungoma County of Kenya.

According to the country’s National Police Service (NPS), the suspect identified as Silas Menon Kinjo allegedly stabbed the victim Alex Kayecha (40) on 11 September, 2023.

Kayecha was found lying on his floor in a pool of blood with stab wounds. He was later rushed to Mt. Elgon Sub-County Hospital where doctors pronounced him dead while undergoing treatment.

The statement read; 

“It is suspected that the deceased succumbed to his wounds after he was stubbed by one Silas Menon Kinjo, (already arrested) on suspicion that he was having a love affair with his wife.”

Police recovered a kitchen knife and a blood-stained bed sheet at the scene. The body is preserved at Dreamland Mission Mortuary awaiting autopsy. 


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