A Port Harcourt-based clergyman, Kontienbo Anderson, and his wife, Joy Anderson, are elated as they welcome their first child after 22 years of waiting.
Mrs. Anderson gave birth to a baby girl on July 21, 2023.
Friends and church members shared the good News on Facebook.
Queen Jane Ifunanya David, wrote: ”The only thing that can make me forget food is a beautiful testimony. I never gist una the wey the food went. Why is this a shocking testimony? We all attend the same church. As a matter of fact, the husband is my pastor. No one knew she was pregnant. Yes, there were few changes but it never occurred to anyone that she was pregnant because she didn’t have a protruding stomach. We are talking about 22 years of tears, pains, sorrow, mockery and God swept all of us away. God hid this baby so that no one would pluck her out. He hid her from prying eyes. I went personally to see this miracle and I haven’t recovered. The delivery process was recorded for the doubting Thomases. God did it that men will fear Him. Again, everyone in line for such miracle, Jesus the same, yesterday today and forever. He hasn’t changed. He will do much more for you if you believe.”
Nigerian Pastor And His Wife Welcome Their First Child After 22 years Of Marriage