@ebs_the_great recently shared a heartbreaking story about her aunt who passed away due to taking a spiritual approach to a health challenge that required medical care. She had cancer and her pastor discouraged her from seeking medical attention, instead putting anointing oil on her forehead while she was bedridden at home. After months of this, her mother kicked down the door and found her terminally ill aunt almost totally unconscious, so she called an ambulance. Unfortunately, the woman died after a year and @ebs_the_great blames the church for what happened. She believes that faith preachings can be dangerous and that her aunt’s life was a mere experiment for the church leader, who didn’t seem to care about her wellbeing. The discouragement from seeking medical attention came in the form of a spiritual/prophetic message instructing her not to go to any hospital or speak to any doctor.
Pastor’s Reported Refusal of Medical Care Leads to Death of Woman from Cancer