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Sokoto State Assembly Plans Public Hearing on Legislation to Limit Sultan’s Authority

Sokoto House Of Assembly To Hold Public Hearing On Bill
A bill known as the Sokoto Emirate Council Amendment Bill aims to curtail the Sultan’s powers, requiring government approval for appointments of kingmakers and district heads, among other changes.

On Tuesday, July 2, the Sokoto State House of Assembly will host a public hearing regarding the Sokoto Sultanate Council Law.

Set for 2:30 pm at the Mini Chamber of the Assembly Complex, the hearing is part of the legislative process for amending the Sokoto Sultanate Council Law.

Previously, the Sokoto State House of Assembly passed the bill for the first and second readings to diminish the Sultan of Sokoto’s authority.

If the Sokoto Emirate Council Amendment Bill is enacted, it will prevent the Sultan from unilaterally appointing kingmakers and district heads without government consent.

Rumors circulating about the Sokoto state government’s potential to dethrone the Sultan have spurred these developments.

Previously, Governor Ahmed Aliyu has deposed 15 traditional rulers for various infractions, leading to speculations that the Sultan could be next.

In response to these rumors, Vice President of Nigeria, Kashim Shettima, emphasized the significance of the Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar III, as a crucial national figure.

Shettima highlighted the Sultan’s broader role beyond Sokoto, stating that safeguarding and cherishing this institution is vital as he symbolizes a national ethos.

These comments were made during the North West Peace and Security Summit in Katsina State.


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