British streamer Greekgodx got himself in trouble when he went on a rant directed at SoundCloud. When creating a profile for the music sharing platform, Greekgodx noticed the gender options went beyond male and female, allowing new users to choose “prefer not to say” or “other.” This apparently rubbed the streamer the wrong way, as he accused SoundCloud of catering to a crowd that he didn’t want to be associated with.
In an expletive-filled diatribe, the streamer said, “If you put ‘other,’ they should say, ‘Sorry, SoundCloud is not for you, goodbye.'”
Not long after this stream, Greekgodx told his Twitter fans that he had been banned from Twitch for an unknown amount of time. According to him, this was due to his remark regarding gender, which he claimed was simply “a silly comment” and “a joke.” Regardless of the intention, his comments breached Twitch’s Community Guidelines.
Written by: Looper