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‘The Batman’ Offered Its First, Very Dark Look At Robert Pattinson As The Caped Crusader

robert pattinson batman joker feat (via Primetweets)

It was big news when it was revealed Robert Pattinson was going from post-Twilight art house fare like The Lighthouse and Claire Denis’ sad space movie High Life to The Batman, the first solo Caped Crusader outing since 2012’s The Dark Knight Rises. But what would the former Edward Cullen look like as another kind of bat? Did he have the right chin shape? Well, now we know, sort of: As per The Hollywood Reporter, we’ve just gotten our first glimpse of Pattinson in leather. And if you adjust the brightness of your screen you can really see something.

The very short clip, labeled as a “camera test,” was posted on Vimeo by director Matt Reeves, who took over from former Bruce Wayne Ben Affleck, who at one point was also supposed to direct. Affleck dropped out of both jobs, leaving us with this: Pattinson bathed in a very dim but very red light, as the camera pans up from his Bat costume-embossed chest to his face as he slowly, slowly, very slowly looks up.

Seriously, it’s a very dark clip, and it could almost be anyone, including the guy who, a couple lifetimes ago, played surrealist painter Salvador Dalí. But it is long enough to perhaps convince us not to worry that Pattinson would lack gravitas to play a guy who will battle Paul Dano’s The Riddler. He looks good!

(Via THR)

Written by: Uproxx


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