In Digimon: Digital Monsters, seven friends get transported to an alternate reality known as the Digital World. After arriving, they befriend a group of friendly monsters called Digimon, and working together, they try to find their way back home. All seven kids are great characters, but today, we’re giving the smallest and youngest of the original crew, T.K., a chance in the spotlight.
T.K. is a sweet little boy, and he has an equally sweet partner Digimon, a cuddly ball of fluff named Patamon. Unlike the rest of the Digimon, who can “Digivolve” into more powerful forms, Patamon seemingly can’t Digivolve and has no real combat abilities. Throughout the show’s first plot arc, T.K.’s older companions think of him the same way that they think of his monster — adorable but useless. However, when the team finally confronts Devimon, the evil ruler of the Digital World, even working together, our heroes can’t defeat him. Devimon stands triumphant, until T.K. and Patamon step forward. Powered by T.K.’s pure heart, Patamon Digivolves for the first time into Angemon, a giant hunky angel with six wings. Needless to say, Angemon defeats Devimon in short order.
When we think back on Digimon, there’s no shortage of awesome heroes, but the one we remember most is T.K., a proto-Steven Universe who taught his older friends, and us, that empathy is a truly powerful force, and that just because you’re soft, that doesn’t mean you are weak.
Written by: Looper