Henry Cavill’s upper lip is famous for being one of the most obvious — and unfortunate — changes to Justice League after Joss Whedon took over from Zack Snyder in post-production. A number of cast members were called back for reshoots, with Cavill apparently having an awful lot of new takes to deal with. The evidence of that? By the time he was needed back on set for secondary photography, Cavill was already filming for Mission: Impossible – Fallout, and had a thick mustache he was contractually obligated to leave untouched. The facial hair added a suave look to Cavill’s Fallout character, CIA assassin August Walker, but it would have had the opposite effect on his Justice League hero. After all, Superman is clean-cut and obviously can’t be seen with a bushy mustache — lest his true identity as Clark Kent be revealed to the world thanks to a patch of hair adorning his upper lip.
To make Cavill’s Superman look fresh-shaven without taking a razor to the actor’s face, the Justice League visual effects team attached an awkward digital lip to his mouth for the majority of the film’s theatrical cut — scarring not only the fans but also Cavill himself. Fair play to him, we’d probably want to forget about that, too.
Another reason Cavill doesn’t seem all that excited about the Snyder Cut of Justice League is because he maintains continued skepticism surrounding the ever-elusive take’s existence. The actor hasn’t seen anything concrete enough to convince him that Snyder was actually able to complete his cut, despite the director himself and Aquaman actor Jason Momoa confirming that the Snyder Cut is complete.
Cavill told ReelBlend co-host Kevin McCarthy in a separate interview, “I have not seen any Snyder cut. I don’t know if there’s anything that exists that is a Snyder cut. I’m sure there’s footage out there that’s probably been pieced together over the years.”
Written by: Looper