Taylor Swift’s music video for “The Man” calls out practically every type of sexist double standard that you can think of. Swift’s male alter ego yells at coworkers, throws a tantrum on a tennis court, and hangs out with scantily clad models and strippers. “He” smokes cigars on public transportation while taking up way too much room with his legs. He’s lauded as the World’s Best Dad for doing the bare minimum, and when he reaches a ripe old age, he marries a much younger woman. As Swift sings in the song: “If I was a man / Then I’d be the man / They’d say I hustled / Put in the work / They wouldn’t shake their heads / And question how much of this I deserve.”
To further hammer home the feminist message of the video, its credits highlight that it was “directed by, written by, owned by” and stars Swift. Only one man appears in the credits: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, who lends his voice to Swift’s male alter ego. Swift’s dad, Scott Swift, makes a surprise cameo as the chair umpire at the tennis match (via E! News).
Written by: Nicki