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Trump Wants Apology From Comey, Suggests ‘Years in Jail’ for the Former FBI Director

trump wants apology from comey suggests years in jail for the former fbi director (via Primetweets)

James Comey admitted to “real sloppiness” regarding the FBI’s handling of some portions of the Russia investigation, which prompted President Donald Trump to suggest jail time for the bureau’s former director. 

Comey told host Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday that Inspector General Michael Horowitz was correct to conclude that the FISA process was not handled properly. “He’s right, I was wrong,” Comey said, “I was overconfident in the procedures that the FBI and Justice had built over 20 years. I thought they were robust enough. It’s incredibly hard to get a FISA.”

Trump responded to the admission on Twitter, suggesting the former FBI director should serve time behind bars, writing, “So now Comey’s admitting he was wrong. Wow, but he’s only doing so because he got caught red-handed. He was actually caught a long time ago. So what are the consequences for his unlawful conduct. Could it be years in jail? Where are the apologies to me and others, Jim?” the president wrote.

On Monday, Comey penned an op-ed in the Washington Post lauding the inspector general’s findings and addressed those who claimed the FBI was out to get Trump, writing in a tweet that linked to the op-ed, “So it was all lies. No treason. No spying on the campaign. No tapping Trump’s wires. It was just good people trying to protect America.”

Featured via: Rollingstone


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