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Valorant release date, platforms, trailer and gameplay

intro 1583354699

Though Valorant has not received a traditional trailer, Riot announced the game via a gameplay preview. The developer is well known for making beautiful, cinematic trailers showcasing its roster of fleshed-out, fascinating characters. Valorant has yet to get the music video treatment from Riot, but the gameplay-first approach is a refreshing change from the often deceiving CGI-based reveals of other games. 

The preview feels like a chill gameplay session between friends, showing off the twists and turns of the map and how quickly the tables can turn when it comes to this 5v5 game. In less than three minutes, you see gunfights, flashy ultimates, and the thrill of victory. It’s not as refined as a cinematic trailer, but, no doubt, there are several of those on the way.

intro 1583354699Written by: Looper


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