Pokemon become more powerful through battling; fortunately, there are plenty of trainers on the routes between cities just itching for a fight. Most of these people appear to be significantly older than the 10-year-old protagonist, and these battles are essentially to the death, each and every time.
Trainers battle until they have no more usable Pokemon — that’s brutal to begin with. What’s worse is that these adults expect payment upon winning. It seems kind of wrong for these grown people to shake down kids for their lunch money.
Adults clearly have no concern for the well-being of kids in the Kanto region. This is best exemplified by the dastardly Team Rocket, whose members are happy to attack kids. Natives to the Kanto region must deal with dangerous Pokemon, the brutality of nature, and cutthroat trainers and villains who won’t take no for an answer.
Maybe you should just stay home.
Written by: Looper