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This Service Sends Free Birth Control To Your Door (Yep, Really)

It’s birth control, simplified! 

You know that awkward moment between you and your doctor when you’re asked about your sexual activity?

If you say no, you can feel judged for being a ‘prude’ but if you say ‘yes’ the slut-shaming eyebrow raise burns through your skull. I’ve even had a doctor insist I was sexually active despite me telling him that in fact, I wasn’t.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to say goodbye to cringe-filled moments like that?

Contraception is complicated, but getting it shouldn’t be. 

From condoms to IUD’s, there are at least 9 contraceptive options, each with different side effects.

As of 2018, there were 61 million US women between the ages of 15 and 44 who were sexually active. Approximately 70 percent – or 43 million women – were at risk of accidental pregnancy. Could you be one of them?

This is a scary statistic, especially given that women’s bodies are being used against us as weapons of political attack. Our reproductive systems are being objectified for votes, but it seems that no matter who ends up winning the points, women lose out. 

This current political climate has made access to birth control a hot topic, with conservative ideology preventing women from obtaining the pill as readily and easily as they should. With legislation criminalizing abortion popping up in several US states and abstinence-only sex education being taught in many schools across the country, being careful with our contraception is more important than ever. On one hand, women face life sentences for aborting accidental pregnancies, but the price of contraception is not affordable for all too many.

Thankfully, Simple Health understand this struggle and they have simplified birth control so you can focus on what really matters. They have created an online consultation, backed by expert doctors, to prescribe the perfect birth control for you; delivered to your door.

Sound too good to be true? It isn’t.

Simple Health is such a brilliant concept because you can have a consultation with a medical profession from the comfort of your own home. No more germ-ridden waiting rooms, doctors not running on time, or awkward conversations. They can prescribe the best option for you (they offer the pill, the patch, and the ring), and so it’s tailored for you

To get you started, you can get this consultation for free if you use the code NADIA, because at Team SHESAID, we believe all women deserve fair and equal access to contraception. From there, your pills will get delivered to your door each month. You’ll never have to worry about running out, needing a prescription or seeing a doctor. Everything is sorted for you.

What could be easier?


There are a number of reasons programs like this are so important.

It seems that our culture is afraid of sex. Moreso, we’re terrified of women who own their sexuality.

Abstinence-only sex education is the most predominant form that children are being taught in schools. Some conservative US states have even received $7.1 million in return for teaching abstinence education. Throwing money at this won’t make accidental pregnancy go away. This is as lazy as it is incorrect and ignores a very simple fact – that having sex is normal, and people are going to be doing it. 

It’s a perfectly natural bodily function that has been demonized to such an extent that we would rather ignore it than teach teenagers (and adults) how to engage in it safely. 

Later in my schooling, slogans like ‘wrap it before you tap it’ replaced actually learning about sex. We may have learned how to slap a condom on a banana but no one taught us what to do if it breaks, or even at what point you put it on. This focus on condom-only sex-ed further proves the fact that sex education favors men. I could label a diagram of male genitalia more accurately than I could have my own reproductive system – and that’s a problem.

For many women, sex is something that we teach ourselves. We have no choice. I didn’t even know that women were physically capable of having orgasms until my early twenties.

But we are fortunate enough to be living in the age of a sexual revolution. Women are finally owning their sexuality and demanding the pleasure they deserve in the bedroom. We are learning more about how to enjoy sex; but not about how to prevent pregnancy.

The stakes are higher than ever. A slip up could lead to an accidental pregnancy that carries harsh legal penalties for aborting. This is why it’s so important we take contraception into our own hands.

Services like Simple Health are helping to close the knowledge gap, give women some of their body autonomy back and prevent any sticky situations or accidental buns in the oven. With free consultations available (using the discount code NADIA) there is really no reason to go without Simple Health.

Never before have I used the words convenient and contraception in the same sentence, until now and this review.

As women, it’s hard to balance being bosses in the boardroom and badass babes in the bedroom, so let Simple Health take the stress out of contraception and sort out your access to the pill for you.

It’s birth control, simplified!

Get a FREE consultation with Simple Health by using the discount. code NADIA.

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Join the discussion: Would you use a service like Simple Health to have contraception simplified? 

This is a sponsored post, brought to you by our partners at Simple Health

this service sends free birth control to your door yep really

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