
Bridesmaid Quits Wedding After Going Through Bride’s Phone, Finding Chats Making Fun of Her

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bridesmaid 1

A bridesmaid had a shocking experience during a wedding dress trial.

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While using the bride’s phone to send pictures of the gowns, she accidentally discovered hurtful messages about herself.

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The messages mocked her fashion sense and criticized various aspects of her life, including her appearance, speech, and eating habits.

She wrote: “I admit, curiosity got the best of me so I searched my name in the chat. I found multiple pictures that I, my boyfriend, or my mum have posted of myself, absolutely ripping them to shreds. Ranging from selfies to posed shots to even a few baby pictures. They’d also make fun of me in terms of the way I talked, wore my hair and the way I ate. This went back as far as I could tell, at least a year.”

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