
Tiwa Savage reveals how Nigerians watered down her “sexy fashion” sense during the early stages of her career

Tiwa Savage, a Nigerian artist, has shared her experience of facing severe criticism for her bold fashion choices during the early stages of her career.

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During a recent interview with Kiss FM in the United Kingdom, Savage mentioned how she was often reprimanded for her daring songs when she was younger.

She expressed her admiration for Ayra Starr, stating that her own experience has made her appreciate how Starr has managed to thrive in the global music industry despite facing backlash from Nigerians regarding her fashion sense.

Savage said, “I love Ayra [Starr]. I’m obsessed with her. She’s amazing and genuine, too. It makes me emotional because when I started, I got criticized a lot for dressing too sexy and my lyrics being too risky.

“So, seeing someone, Ayra now…If I see her wearing the short skirts as they [critics] say, I’m like, ‘Make it shorter.’

“And she looks amazing, she’s extremely talented. Yeah, she’s a star.”


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