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BUZZ: Royal Enthusiasts Claim Meghan Markle Attended Coronation in Disguise

BUZZ: Royal Enthusiasts Claim Meghan Markle Attended Coronation in Disguise

At Saturday’s coronation of King Charles III, one particular guest among the crowd of 2,200 at Westminster Abbey caught the attention of many keen observers. Some Twitter users were convinced that it was Meghan Markle in disguise, despite her staying in California with children Archie and Lilibet. However, it turns out the white-grey hair and mustache were not a disguise at all. The man pictured was Sir Karl Jenkins, a legendary composer whose work was played during the ceremony.

Jenkins recently told the BBC he was “honored” to have a part in the coronation. He said, “It obviously sums up Welsh culture — the harp — and he [King Charles III] has always supported Welsh music. I don’t know whether he chose it, but he was happy to have it there. I know he likes it, otherwise he wouldn’t have asked me.”

Prince Harry attended the coronation solo while Meghan Markle stayed in California. A source told The Post that Harry left the church Saturday after the coronation service and went straight to Heathrow Airport. He will make it home to California in time for son Archie’s 4th birthday party.

Saturday’s coronation also sparked a few other viral theories, including “emergency Camillas” arriving just in case, the “grim reaper” showing up to the ceremony, and Princess Charlotte being the late Princess Diana’s doppelgänger.


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