
Went On A Date With My Long-time Crush! – My Story

love stories primetweets (via Primetweets)


Since the beginning of my senior year in high school, I have had a crush on someone who is a mutual friend to some of my friends. Throughout the year, I had flirted with him, and for a while, it seemed as though he liked me back. We snap-chatted frequently, and all of our friends said that we were very cute together. However, he had just gotten out of a relationship and said that he didn’t want to get into anything. I understood that, so I decided to wait for a while.

The end of the year came, and we were still good friends, but I still had some feelings for him. To help me forget him, I deleted him from my Snapchat and his number from my contacts. I just didn’t want to have to see his name every day when I looked at my phone. I did, however, invite him to my graduation party. He showed up, and we spent some time talking. It was great to be able to chat with him after we had been away for so long, and I felt as though I was more relaxed around him than I had ever been.

As he was leaving, I gave him a hug, and he said that we should hang out soon. It was after he said that that I decided to start implementing The Secret. I bought a dream box and wrote, “We hang out regularly and have fun conversations.” We had never hung out, just the two of us before, and at the time, I did not have his number. However, I started using visualizations, like seeing him sit across from the table of a cafe with me, or we would simply be walking around and talking.

About two weeks into the visualizing, I was listening to a guided meditation for the law of attraction. At one point, it said, “You have a barrier that you are fully capable of knocking down. This barrier is keeping you from your goal, and once you confront it, the rest will fall into place.” As soon as I was done with the meditation, I added him back onto Snapchat. A few days later, I took a few pictures on Snapchat of me working late with my co-workers. Of us making jokes, the huge pile of work that we had to finish, and things like that. Then, I got a text from a number asking if we were accepting applications. When I asked who it was, it was him! For the next few days, he texted me asking about the job and whatnot, and nothing was really flirty about it until he suddenly asked if I wanted to hang out “just the two of us” before I left for college. Of course, I told him that I would be thrilled. The next day, we met for coffee, just like I had visualized, and we had a very nice conversation. I did not even notice when the hour passed, but I needed to go to work soon. He gave me another hug as we parted and said that we needed to get together again sometime! I literally could not believe it! The boy I had had a crush on for months actually wanted to hang out more! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I remain hopeful that we will continue to see each other throughout the summer. Thank you to all those who teach The Secret. To those of you who are experiencing self-doubt, just let it go! Just have some faith, and your dreams will come to you!

Submitted by: Danielle H

San Francisco, CA

Just live life!

Powered by The Secret


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