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Live an extraordinary life and awaken your dreams!

The Secret to Teen Power explores the Law of Attraction from a teenager’s point of view.

Find The Secret to Teen Power in these formats:

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Imagination is the creative force of the Universe!

The Power of Henry’s Imagination is a picture story book exploring one of The Secret principles: visualization.

Find The Power of Henry’s Imagination in these formats:

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The easiest, fastest way to lasting happiness is to practice gratitude.

Find the 28 most powerful gratitude practices in The Magic!

Find The Magic in these formats:

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The simple secret to having more money is believing you are already wealthy!

Every single time you use The Secret to Money App you are thinking and acting like you are wealthy NOW.

Explore The Secret to Money App, available on:

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Love everything around you, and the love MUST come back to you – a hundred fold!

The Power reveals the greatest force in the universe, and exactly how to use it – for better relationships and for everything you could ever want.

Find The Power in these formats:

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Whatever dream you are dreaming, KNOW that the Universe wants you to succeed.

Hero lights the way for your dream – step-by-step through every challenge, hurdle, or set back – until it is realized.

Find Hero in these formats:

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Great health comes from having great thoughts and FEELING great.

The Secret Daily Teachings provides a simple, inspiring way to keep your thoughts and feelings positive every single day of the year.

The Secret Daily Teachings is available as an app and book in these formats:

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