The story begins with a unique and intriguing premise: two young women, Irene (Elsie Hewitt) and Molly (Vanessa Dubasso), succumb to carbon monoxide poisoning on their first date. While their physical forms are hospitalized, their spirits become trapped in a timeless metaphysical realm. One character notes the possibility of being caught there for an eternity, and within this surreal setting, they must face their fears while exploring romantic feelings for each other.
This plot could easily fall into melodrama or cliché, but director Rissman manages the narrative with a surprising level of subtlety. The film’s supernatural aspects reflect the characters’ inner battles rather than just serving as gimmicks. The chemistry between Hewitt and Dubasso is authentic, bringing a sense of reality to their ethereal journey.
The film’s visual representation of the spirit world is worth highlighting. Instead of using flashy CGI, Rissman chooses a more understated style that prioritizes emotional depth over spectacle, creating an experience that feels akin to Peter Jackson’s “The Lovely Bones,” albeit more intimate.
Sherilyn Fenn plays a pivotal supporting character whose contributions greatly enhance the storyline, providing stability within this surreal narrative. The additional cast members, including Sulem Calderon and Chris Zylka, deliver solid performances, effectively bridging the earthly and spiritual realms.
However, “Upon Waking” does struggle with pacing. At times, the film becomes mired in its own philosophical meanderings, allowing certain scenes to drag on longer than necessary. There could potentially be a more concise and impactful 90-minute film within this somewhat lengthy exploration of love and existence.
Despite its pacing issues, Rissman’s dedication to the film’s deeper messages is commendable. It’s not just another supernatural love story; rather, it delves into themes of healing, self-acceptance, and a profound love that goes beyond the physical realm. The film posits that losing everything, even our physical selves, can be a path to self-discovery and genuine connection with others.
The film receiving the Alternative Spirit Award at the 2023 Flickers Film Festival is fitting for a project that takes narrative risks. While not every aspect succeeds perfectly, the ambition and emotional depth of “Upon Waking” mark it as a notable debut. Even with its flaws, the film lingers in the viewer’s mind, prompting reflection on love and consciousness long after the viewing experience ends.
As it becomes available on VOD this Valentine’s Day, it presents a fresh option against the backdrop of standard romance films. In a time when blockbuster superhero movies are prevalent and romantic comedies often feel hackneyed, it’s refreshing to see a film tackle love from such an unconventional angle.
Does “Upon Waking” completely fulfill its objectives? Not entirely. Yet, in its most striking moments, it highlights that love, much like consciousness, is a profound mystery inviting exploration in film.[/embed>