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How Are You Feeling Right Now?

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We asked our readers. And they answered.

It’s been two weeks since Donald Trump’s oval office address. Two weeks since we learned Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson had contracted coronavirus. Two weeks since the NBA shut down. Two weeks since all of our lives seemed to be upended. And still, we don’t know how long this thing is going to last.

For travelers, this lock-up may be even more upsetting. The walls might feel like they’re closing in. And we’re all itching desperately to get out—not just to escape our homes, but to go out and see the world again. So we polled our readers to find out how they’re holding up—and since the last time we did this (two weeks ago), attitudes have unsurprisingly shifted.

How Concerned Are You About Coronavirus?

The short answer: you’re pretty concerned. 67% responded “very concerned,” up from 25% two weeks ago. Another 28% are “somewhat concerned.” There’s some variation depending on age: 50% of 18-34 year-old readers are very concerned compared to 72% of those in the most at-risk group of over 60.

Have You Canceled a Trip?

Two weeks ago, only 25% of readers had canceled a trip. Now, it’s skyrocketed to 65%. The majority of cancellations have affected domestic travel (60%) and travel to Europe (34%).

Those who haven’t already canceled a trip and still have plans are definitely reconsidering: 73% say they’re thinking about changing or canceling. And of those who don’t currently have any plans, 93% say they won’t make any until this whole thing blows over.

But none of this is surprising given the vast number of readers who absolutely refuse to fly, even domestically. Only 16% of our readers would get on a plane, while 84% flat out wouldn’t.

Road trips fared somewhat better: 40% of our readers would still entertain jumping in their car and heading off somewhere.

What About Traveling Within Your Own City?

With 175 million people being told to shelter in place across 17 states, it’s not surprising that our readers don’t even want to venture beyond their front lawns. Only 43% of you would consider going to visit a friend or loved one at their house. And only 12% would get into an Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare pick up.

However, you’re still ready to support some local businesses. 89% are willing to go to the grocery store and 79% will order take out.

When Will This All End?

Unfortunately, our readers aren’t too optimistic at the moment. A full 84% don’t believe this will end within a month. But 62% think it’s very possible that this will be over within six months, while the remainder either think it’s unlikely this will end in that timeframe (21%) or just don’t care to speculate (17%). But, 82% of you feel pretty confident this nightmare will be over sometime in the next year.

Is There Any Good News?

Yes. Here’s the good news: When this ends (and it will end), you still want to get back out there again and see this weird and wonderful world. 27% of you said you’d immediately travel domestically, and 13% said they’d be ready to fly somewhere abroad. Another 52% said they’d venture out into the U.S.A. within six months, and 33% said they’d head to another country. A whopping 96% said they would be travelers again within a year—and 74% said they’d be crossing borders.

So, there’s a little bit of hope shining in the bleakness. This damn thing isn’t keeping you down and out forever. Just for a little while–just for now. And when it’s over, you’re willing to go right out into this beautiful world all over again. And we’ll be right there, too.

Written by: Fodor


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