
A Magnificent Transformation! – My Story

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Dear Readers

I am extremely grateful for The Secret Super App. I can’t express my gratitude in words. The Secret Super App seriously transformed my life from bitter to sweet.

Two days ago I was extremely broken. I felt like I had no worth, no value. I lost my peace of mind. I couldn’t concentrate on anything at all that I was doing. I was only getting hyper unnecessarily and this affected my life. When I was with my dearest mom my mind wasn’t at peace so I replied harshly to her. Afterwards, I felt very bad, so bad that things were only getting worse instead of progressing. I even stopped doing the 28 days of gratitude from The Magic Practices. I was feeling nothing good and in fact, at one point I was just feeling like I wanted to leave this world feeling that nobody cares for me or loves me.

Today out of nowhere, my intuition, my inner voice, forced me to practice for 15 days. Actually, I completed Day 1 to Day 14 and after that something happened that took my happiness away. I came back to square one today without feeling any interest. Then I followed my intuition again and let me tell you one big secret! My intuition is my best friend!

I opened The Secret Super App and clicked on the audio. Which, by the way, I received without paying a single penny which in itself is magic! Never in my life had I done this before, this was my first time. As I started listening to the audio, continuous tears started falling from my eyes. I felt so much gratitude that my gratitude journal got completely wet! Then the magic began when Rhonda Byrne ma’am started saying “You don’t need to have someone to heal you, you can heal yourself with the magic of gratitude.”

At that very moment, I did what she suggested and immediately I started feeling better! That was when I realized that I, being a teacher, counselor, and singer was foolishly hurting myself and my special person unnecessarily. He is actually innocent, he has nothing to do with my hurt because it’s I who fell in love with him. It is I who committed myself to him, it’s I who made him my everything. In all of this, I can see the clear picture. It is about me, not him. I should be grateful that at least I can connect with him. I should be grateful that I got the chance to express my feelings to him. If anything is meant to be let God be the judge.

After realizing these things I felt so relieved! I started breathing freely again! All this happened only because of Rhonda Byrne and Day 15, “Magically Heal Your Relationship”.

Thank you so much, ma’am, you are an angel for me and God’s messenger. I am more than grateful to you! Thank you so much for making me live life happily again!

This one is for you my love, Prav. I am sorry for involving you without your knowledge in my hurt. Sorry for involving you unnecessarily, sorry for first loving you and supporting you, and then getting angry with you. I am so sorry. Thank you for coming into my life and making life so beautiful and alive. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I am so grateful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Submitted by: Rinky Sarah Mondal


I am a teacher and counselor by profession. Music is my passion and I also have a YouTube channel as Artist Sarah. This story is about a magnificent change inside me. I am extremely grateful for The Secret Super App.

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