
Everything I Could Have Imagined And More. – My Story

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My story begins about 15 years ago. I was a young, single, professional with a great family and friend network and on the surface everything was great. But I carried around a lot of heartbreak and always thought I deserved more from both my partners and in my work.

One day a coworker dropped a copy of The Secret off at my desk. She said it was helping her get through a hard time and highly suggested I read it. So, I did. At the time I didn’t really take it that seriously. I knew she was going through a lot with the loss of a friend but I didn’t think I really needed to be manifesting positive things.

Fast forward a few more years. I had lost my mother to cancer and was dealing with a lot of grief. I had failed relationship after failed relationship and a terrible job situation. Everything was crashing down and I was trying to build myself back together. So, one day I decided to pick the book back up and I read it. Then, I ordered The Magic and read that. I started incorporating positive thinking, visualizing the life I wanted, and being grateful for every little thing. I was practicing the law of attraction consciously. I gave thanks to everything around me and made sure I truly appreciated all of the little things in my life.

I visualized myself finding the love of my life and traveling with that person. I visualized a better job and making more money. I also visualized myself living in a townhouse and not my current small condo. I didn’t know how these things would come to fruition but I kept doing it. Sometimes I practiced the law of attraction a lot and then there would be months at a time where I didn’t really follow it. But, I always kept that dollar bill hung up on my mirror visualizing money, and I always kept this rock shaped like a heart on my dresser, visualizing love.

Ten years later I sit here and look at where I am now and I am truly in awe. I literally cannot believe that all of my desires have manifested, my wishes have come true. I have been reunited with my first love. I did move from my condo into a townhouse but have since sold both properties and now I am doing quite well with huge savings in the bank while I search for a forever home with that love of my life.

My work life over the last 10 years has been amazing. I have made much more money, met wonderful people, and have been able to travel to countries that I have fallen in love with and hope to reside in one day with a little more visualizing.

I have to be honest, at the time 10 years or so ago, when I started reading these books and practicing the methods, I was hopeful but I was not sure it would really work. It made me feel better at the time but I didn’t know if I would truly have everything I wished for. But, I am here right now to say that I have everything I have been asking for and more.

Thank you so very much for The Secret!!!

Submitted by: Stacy


I’m that easy going personality who just loves to live life to the fullest and enjoy the moments. Like us all, I have good days and bad ones but I never stop being thankful for all of my blessings!

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