
God Is Great. – My Story

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I am in deep gratitude for the wisdom I have gained after watching The Secret and reading and using The Secret and The Magic. Thank you to Rhonda Bryne and all the great souls through history who have found me, inspired me, and embedded pearls of wisdom and passion.

I found The Secret after the love of my life and I had hit a low and we broke up. In my heart and mind I did not believe what is, but there were thoughts that came and told me this was it. However, we had been through this before, and I knew we loved each other. I did not grieve, I did not announce and speak about the trouble. I went about as if there was nothing wrong. Just like so many others, I found I had attracted this and did not guard my mind and my “chronic” way of thinking that led to this.

After watching The Secret many times, every day for about a month and reading parts of the book, along with using some of the practises of The Magic, I can tell you that incredible things inside me rose up. That was along with manifesting what I wanted and more into my reality.

There were times when I did not get the response I wanted, but I persevered. Contact with my man was increasing. I had intended, prayed, and spoke about spending Christmas with the love of my life. After the quiet season had passed, one night I was watching Joel Osteen talking about God who exceeds our expectations. I was happy, content, feeling so hopeful about the future and knowing in my heart that my love and I were meant to be. He had messaged me, one thing lead to another, and as I had dreamed about and focused on, he came to me. He was standing right outside my front door. I could not believe it at that moment, it was surreal and it was so beautiful. We embraced, and all that had went wrong was undone! I had used my mind, and by the grace of God, love and prayer, my love was in my arms. The Christmas that has just passed has just been phenomenal! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Though what looked like at face value, a soul crushing experience, has turned out to be one of the most profound gifts I have received. I am very grateful because not only is my relationship with my man stronger, more harmonious, healthy and happy, I realized my gift! Now with faith and works I am using music to heal hearts. My relationship with my mum is comfortable and renewed. I live every day with joy and goodness following me, and I am excelling at university. And if it looks like it could not get any better, it has! I am now living with my darling!

The problems in my love relationship arose due to the programming I had. I was living a life that churned out someone who thought less of themselves, took on the doubts and worries that love may leave you and lived in the dark.

Fast forward to more recent times. I had come back from a young person’s Transcendental Meditation course in Spain which was pure bliss. Nevertheless, there was a hole in my heart from the thoughts that had become reality leading to a separation between my man and I. I had found The secret and that is when the game changed. Yes, I had been in therapy, done this, done that, but all my thoughts and beliefs had lead up to attracting more fear, more abandonment, more rejection, and more pain. I watched The Secret every day. I read The Secret as soon I woke up. I told everyone around me about it and I still do. I have been so grateful and I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that it works, and that life is meant to be lived in abundance.

I have made huge progress in under 3 months. I have lived the majority of my life in fear. I have gone from waking up crying wanting to leave this life, to now, waking up excited, and happy. I go to sleep ready and excited for the next day and its surprises.

Please, keep on holding on. I am a living testimony that changing how you think and what you think is life changing.
My Tips:

Number 1: Pray to God or talk to the Universe.

Number 2: Speak it out into existence, what you want; Good health, a loving, healthy relationship, anything and everything you want.

Number 3: have faith and belief. Start with small things if it seems to hard.

Number 4: Read The Magic, and practise gratitude every day.

Number 5: Forgive everyone, for everything, including yourself. No matter how bad it was, free yourself with forgiveness.

Number 6: Guard your mind, water the good thoughts, the good feelings, and visualize what you want and love. Every bad thought can lead to more, so calmly be aware and cast it out early.

Number 7: Listen to your heart.

Number 8: True love always come back.

Number 9: Love yourself, please, you are worthy!

Number 10: Make a vision board.

Number 11: Write down 300 things you want, read it every morning and night, as much as you can.

I know we are here to enjoy our days, to love, to inspire, to dream. You are all divine and a masterpiece. May God’s grace and glory follow you all of your days. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Submitted by: X


A believer with big dreams, passing on the flame of passion from great souls.

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