Hi, I have been practicing The Secret in my life for 7 or 8 years now. I met my soul mate 7 years ago and with the magnificent power of The Secret. We were together and very much in love. I applied The Secret to every aspect of our relationship and our bond become stronger with each day.
Then, unfortunately, during the Covid pandemic, we both could not see or meet each other. I gained a lot of weight and had self-doubts and started hating myself. This eventually had a worse impact on my relationship. He got more upset with me each day and I failed to be grateful for many things. Then things got even worse and one day he told me he does not want to be with me. He was very clear and sharp about his decision.
I was heartbroken and regretted not giving him more of my time. Our friends suggested to me that I move on but somehow I couldn’t do it. And eventually, with the passing of time, I again started applying The Secret. I started being grateful, and I asked for our love to grow.
Then gradually, I was over him and it did not cause me any pain anymore. I felt better, I lost weight, I gained a lot of confidence, I studied, and my passion was again my priority.
While this was happening, he was in self-realization and one day he just messaged me to meet with him. I met him, and he cried a lot regretting everything. He regretted that he left me.
I was already over him but yet he came back to me. I accepted him and told him to make it official and now we are getting married next year!
I am very thankful to Rhonda and everyone who posted their stories. Thank you very much.
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