
Lost And Found. – My Story

love stories primetweets (via Primetweets)


It was 2 years ago when the love of my life, the only person that I ever loved went into a depression. For some reason, he tried to ignore me and almost broke up with me. We had been in the relationship for 8 years at that time.

I was devastated and I had my CA final exams so with great difficulty, I was trying to study. That’s when I came across The Secret book that my boyfriend had gifted me. I started reading it and then put every single thing said in the book into practice. I had my vision board, I started to visualize, and I believed that what I wanted would happen with a timeline in my mind. I was waiting for my boyfriend to return to me as a whole person, as my person.

I could see a lot of changes after a few months of following the book. My boyfriend started talking to me like before, loving me and caring for me more than before. He also started sharing what he had been going through during those days. In fact, he had never stopped loving me. It was just a matter of time. Now, in the next two months, we are getting married. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you so much for giving me such insight and making me believe that miracles do happen in life. Thank you so much for everything. Thank you so very much to the Universe. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Submitted by: Ashwini M L


Professional Chartered Accountant, a true Secret believer and an artist by heart.

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