
Love Is The Answer. – My Story

love stories primetweets (via Primetweets)


Everybody starts their stories by thanking Rhonda Byrne but I want this story to resonate with the ones who find it difficult to believe in this story due to their trying circumstances. I hope this instills hope in their hearts.

I grew up in a dysfunctional household that was ripe with abuse, violence, and negativity. However, as a lotus grows amid the mud, I was a hopeful child and somehow, I picked up the good things from others around me. I noticed in them a sense of humor, kindness, and softness. Every night, I would hold my own hand and pretend that someone who loves me is holding my hand. There were these glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling and I pretended those were wishing stars. Every night, I would make a wish and sleep. I imagined myself as the hero of every story, every situation, and every exam. And magically, I would win many competitions, I would be the first in tests, sports competitions, and theatre competitions. Even when I thought I had made a complete fool out of myself and had zero preparation. I did not believe this was due to the law of attraction but I did believe in God.

But over the years, people around me told me it was a fluke and I would run out of luck. I started believing them, and lo and behold, I started failing exams, and I lost the zeal for anything. I got into bad people, alcohol, you name it, everything negative. I did not believe in love, I thought hooking up was cool, and would protect me from heartache. I lost all innocence and did not have the courage to dream big. Why do it when they will not come true and I would be hurt?

Eventually, I hit rock bottom. I was unemployed, living with an abusive partner, broke, had an eating disorder, and was unhealthy, mentally and physically. And one day, I thought that it cannot get worse than this. So and to put myself to sleep, I would shut my eyes and imagine I was in a different, happy, airy, house with big windows, gardens full of flowers, a beautiful monsoon, and I was healthy. I imagined myself in a beautiful dress that fit me, and people complimenting me. This was absolutely not reality, everyone knew I had an eating disorder, and that I had bad health and skin from alcohol addiction. But I imagined people complimenting me on my clothes, my appearance, and my skin and also telling me I’m such a positive impact on them. I had no expectations, I did not pray for a miracle, and I did not read any books. I just imagined this and basked in feeling good for those few moments before I passed out drunk.

After 3 months of doing this, I had a decent paying job with decent bosses. In another 2 months, I found out my partner was cheating on me but I was so happy to find out because I finally had the courage to leave. I was so thrilled I almost danced and cried out of joy when I found out he was cheating.

I moved out and had a place of my own with 2 months of free rent. By the end of that year, I moved to a bigger, 3bhk, beautiful house in a posh locality with security. It had a constant supply of water, electricity, greenery, and nice neighbors. I could feel my life turn around. The next year I took a complete sabbatical to prepare to go back to school, get a doctorate, travel, heal myself and find love.

Up to this point, let me tell you, I had not read The Secret or heard of the law of attraction. However, a month or two into this sabbatical, right before I was going to bed, I come across a law of attraction channel on YouTube. It was a brand new concept to me but I was intrigued and I started exploring. There was no harm in trying, it seemed positive and harmless. That night, I tried dreaming bigger than ever before about all the things I thought I did not deserve. I imagined myself clean of addiction, healthy, with no eating disorder, working for the government, debt free, you name it! I went big, what was the harm?

I achieved most of these things, one by one. I got a job without even an interview, in the middle of the Covid lockdown. I got free and clean, I have no substance abuse. Everyone compliments my skin now and I barely did anything for it. I have not fallen ill in 5 years and what is also interesting is that my eyesight got better on its own. I did have certain hang-ups about being worthy of love but I decided to remain single until I was healed of abuse. I embraced the idea of being happy alone without being bitter about people.

Finally, I had enough money to travel alone and on one of my journeys, I met a beautiful man who had the same habits as I did, he even looked like me on many accounts. When I met him, I had no expectations, I just thanked God that this is a good human and may his partner keep him happy. I did not even know if he was married or single, and I did not even wonder. I just was grateful to God that such men still exist and I wanted the best for him just as I would wish for myself.

Two years later, I met him again while we were posted in the same job in different departments!!! He asked me out and told me he had always hoped we would meet again if it was destined.

I know that this is getting too lengthy so let me conclude. I read and watched The Secret right before leaving for the trip. By then, I had attracted a lot of good things on my list and the ones that were evading me also made me believe in the law of attraction even more. Yes, there were ups and downs and I thought, what is the point? But in those times, I went back to my absolute worst days and realized I never imagined I would come out of it and actually be a healed person without baggage. I am fitter, happier, healthier, and more successful than I ever thought I could be. But believe me, back then all I wanted was to die. Only the drunken dream brought me to this day.

So even if you find it hard to believe, go deep within yourself and ask, what is the harm in dreaming? And dream outrageously. You were sent to earth to live life fully. So do it. Fall in love, go aspire for that job or university, get multiple degrees, attract money, be good, and be happy. It is possible just as Rhonda says. And now, thank you to Rhonda for sharing with us the secret to the whole world! May you be happier and healthier than ever before, just as your secret made me, for life! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Submitted by: Aalia

Salt Lake City

A writer, bureaucrat, and dreamer.

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