
Magic Monkey. – My Story

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So in India, some of our marriages are still arranged by our parents. I had been looking for a suitable partner for a while and it has been truly exhausting to keep on meeting and speaking to new prospects. It is no less exhausting than going on dates but here, you are trying to date the entire family from the start so it does not get any easier.

I recently came across The Secret and it has been truly a revelation of how much knowledge this book carries and imparts to me. My life has been changing for the better. I am more in control of my feelings and aware of them too. Some days I still struggle but I keep on trying to consciously focus on the positivity around me and be grateful for all that I have. I have everything I have truly desired and I feel like the luckiest person in the world. This is my first story here so please bear with me as it is quite overwhelming to be able to connect with millions of people who have inspired me and brought a smile to my face on good days and bad ones too. Thank you to Rhonda and her entire team. May God bless your hearts.

So one day I had to go meet a prospect and I had been sick for a while so I contemplated if I should go. He had to leave the next day so it was our only chance to meet. I decided to give it a go even though I was very unsure about it. I had been reading The Secret stories over here and I read one from a girl about seeing signs from the Universe. So I thought of applying that and I asked the Universe to show me a monkey if this guy is the one for me.

So the next day I went on to the balcony right before I left to meet him, and y’all guessed it! There right in front of me was a monkey, just casually sitting on a roof. There are no monkeys around my house or at least I had never seen one before during the 20 years that I have been there.

I met the guy and we instantly connected. The rest I shall tell you guys later after the wedding, which I know in my heart will happen next year. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I am sending so much positivity and love to you guys reading this. Remember to remember and remember to believe. Keep choosing to believe and all will fall into place. Thank you Universe, you are magnificent! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Submitted by: Al


New to this magical world of LOA and it has been a wonderful journey so far.

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