
Manifested Baby Boys Having Polycystic Ovaries. – My Story

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How I manifested my baby boys after being told at age 18 that I would never conceive due to having polycystic ovaries.

So I was 32 years old and living with Tony since 2005. I felt like life was just repetitive. I was going to a job that paid poor money, and I just felt so unhappy. So, I decided to take a self-development course in the evenings just to get to know what I wanted out of life. And it’s important that I tell you guys that I have been in recovery since 2005 from alcoholism. But when I was at my worst in my addiction was at age 21. I had polycystic ovaries and was told that my chances of conceiving a baby would be slim to no chance.

So anyways, fast forward ten years, and I was starting this course at night. I learned a lot and enjoyed going one evening a week. This one particular night, this lady was sitting in the room, and I can just say that she was almost angelic looking. So she had natural beauty, and she had beams of happiness and good health. She had really bright eyes and was a very dreamy young lady. Her name was Grainne. It turned out that she was going to be working with us for 8 weeks on our meditation skills. She also did angel card readings which I have always found fascinating. So I called her angel lady.

She really believed in the law of attraction, and she told us at the first class to write down 3 things you want to have at the end of the 8 weeks with her. I wrote down that I wanted to become a mum. I want to know what surprises there were on this earth, and I would love our forever home. She told us to write it out again and then go home and stick it on the first place you look at when you open your eyes in the morning. So I stuck it to my mirror where I brush my teeth. She told us to imagine being the things were reading. So I was imagining as I was brushing my teeth that a baby was waiting for it’s bottle as the kettle was boiling. It seemed a bit crazy when I think back now on it.

Anyway, you get the idea by now. To cut a long story short, by the end of the 8 weeks, I was pregnant with my first boy, who is 9 years old now. His name is Joshua. Then 14 months later we had his brother, Jordan, who is now 8. And we also got our forever home! I also have a dog that I manifested last year. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

My message is that it works, it works, it works! Try it. You have nothing to lose. Take care, and may you manifest all your dreams, hopes, and aspirations. You are the maker of your own destiny. Dream. Believe. Achieve. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Submitted by: Emma. JJT

Ireland, dublin

I have two boys ages 8 and 9. I’m living with their dad for the past 20 years.

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