
Wow! I Am Loved And Supported! – My Story

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I felt I needed to share my story so far. I am embracing the Universe with everything I have and everything I am. The Universe is embracing me back and I can feel it every day!

Every morning on my drive to work I listen to The Secret in my car. I am getting to the point where I almost know it by heart! So now as it plays in the background, I am visualizing during my journeys to and from my amazing career. I visualize clear roads and a safe journey. I visualize smiles and happiness throughout my day. I visualize walking through the door of my new home that I can afford! I visualize driving my new car that I can afford! I visualize supplying wealth to my amazing boyfriend and our little family and I smile the whole way there and the whole way back!

So far, the roads have been completely clear. Not one bit of traffic. Ever. Even during rush hour, my roads are clear and I thank the Universe every second. I have recently gotten a new client in my new job that will bring me success and money. I have recently managed to get my boyfriend and me our first rented home with my own money and we are so happy and in love with our home. I am rich in my personal and professional life and I know that more physical wealth is soon to come!

Thank you to all of those who have shared The Secret. I did not know how to activate my happiness and gratitude until this came along. Bless you all! I am sending my love through the Universe to each and every one of you!

Have a wonderful day to everyone who is on this journey with me, and to everyone who is reading this and working on themselves, we are in this together and I love you all!! I am currently writing my checks which will hang from my computer screens at work. I will continue my journey of gratitude and positivity. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Submitted by: Amy Callaghan

Leeds, UK

I am a young lady who finished high school and jumped straight into work. I have thrived, struggled, smiled, laughed, and cried. Now I am strong, I am independent and I am so happy and grateful for the life I am living.

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