Much like any plot specifics about the tenth season of American Horror Story, the premiere date is still a mystery. In anticipation of this exciting anniversary, Murphy has remained mum about when FX will bring AHS back, but fans might be able to make a few guesses based on the premiere dates of previous seasons.
As a prestige television event (the show has been nominated for Emmys before, and Jessica Lange even won one for her performance in Murder House) fans can safely assume that AHS will be a part of FX‘s fall programming, but the exact premiere date is still up in the air. Though the first five seasons — Murder House, Asylum, Coven, Freak Show, and Hotel — all waited until October for their premieres, the last four — Roanoke, Cult, Apocalypse, and 1984 — all showed up in early September, so despite a fall premiere being all but certain, it depends on when FX and Murphy want to get the ball rolling. As far as episode counts go, each season has spanned anywhere from 9 to 13 episodes, with 1984 clocking in as the shortest season with just 9 installments and Asylum, Coven, and Freak Show topping out at 13 each.
Written by: Looper