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‘Bloodshot’ Coming to Digital Next Week, Less Than Two Weeks After It Hit Theaters

Less than two weeks after it hit theaters, Vin Diesel‘s Bloodshot is headed to digital. It’s just the latest big title to break the theatrical window in light of the coronavirus (aka COVID-19), which has decimated the movie-going experience due to theater closings across the globe. Diesel’s sci-fi action film will be available for digital purchase starting next week.



Will the movie industry ever be the same? Can movie theaters ever recover? These questions, and more, immediately spring to mind this week as more and more studios smash the theatrical window to rush titles onto digital. Universal decided to release Trolls World TourThe Invisible ManEmma., and The Hunt for digital purchase as soon as this Friday. Warner Bros. is bringing Birds of Prey and Just Mercy to digital early on March 24, while STX is releasing The Gentlemen on March 24 as well.

Now we can add Bloodshot to the list. The Vin Diesel action pic just opened last Friday, but Sony had decided to make it available for digital purchase on March 24. That’s a less than two-week turnaround time, which is almost unheard of. It’s a sign that the movie industry is in a weird place right now, as well as a sign that movie theaters are in real danger. Most theater chains have already announced they’re closing for the time being, and even the theaters that remain open are bound to have small attendance due to coronavirus fears. How can the industry ever hope to recover from this?

In Bloodshot, “Vin Diesel stars as Ray Garrison, a soldier recently killed in action and brought back to life as the superhero Bloodshot by the RST corporation. With an army of nanotechnology in his veins, he’s an unstoppable force –stronger than ever and able to heal instantly. But in controlling his body, the company has sway over his mind and memories, too. Now, Ray doesn’t know what’s real and what’s not – but he’s on a mission to find out.”

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