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BREAKING: About Her StrugglesNigerian Actress Opens Up About Her Struggles: I’m Ready To Quit Acting For Marriage

BREAKING: About Her StrugglesNigerian Actress Opens Up About Her Struggles: I'm Ready To Quit Acting For Marriage

Aisha Muhammed Jogana, popularly known as Aisha, is an actress and singer in Kannywood, Nigeria. She is well-known for her efficient interpretation of roles and is loved by many in the industry. In this interview, the actress talks about her experiences in the industry, her challenges, among other topics.

Where did you grow up?

I was born and raised in Jogana of Gezawa Local Government Area of Kano State. I attended primary and secondary school there, though I dropped out and got married.

Unfortunately, the marriage crashed and along the line, I got involved with Kannywood after my failed marriage. I have been in the industry for about seven years now and I am 28 years old.

How did you get involved with Kannywood?

I got involved with Kannywood through a friend who happens to be a photographer in the industry. I used to follow the photographer to film locations when I was less busy. Gradually, I began to develop interest in acting even though I have never nursed that ambition before in my life, and that was how I started acting.

How did you feel on your first day at location?

It wasn’t easy honestly. As I told you  earlier, I had no experience at all and I only developed the idea while visiting locations. Therefore, you can understand the feeling of inexperience combined with anxiety at the same time. However, with encouragement from my colleagues and friends, I was able to overcome those feelings, and here I am today.

When you decided to venture into acting, did you face any form of resistance from either your parents or friends?

Indeed, I faced serious resistance from my family. It was then that I learnt that the industry has been perceived differently by different people. It took me time to convince my family to allow me try my luck in acting. After serious persuasions and providing convincing reasons, my family gave their consent, but it wasn’t easy.

What were the reasons for their resistance?

They were all based on misconception and ill-informed concocted stories created to dent the image of operators and the film industry. The good thing is that I was able to change all those ill-conceived notions barely few days into my joining the industry as an actress. Many failed to take acting as a profession and as such they also failed to see the operators as


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