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Chioma’s Deserving Marriage to Davido – A Man’s Perspective

Why Chioma is Not Just Lucky to Marry Davido But


A Nigerian man has expressed admiration for Davido and Chioma as they prepare for their upcoming wedding.


The man, known as Gerry, believes that Chioma is not merely lucky but truly deserves the happiness she is experiencing.


The highly anticipated wedding, named ‘Chivido 2024,’ is scheduled to take place in Lagos on Tuesday, June 25.


Gerry took to Facebook to shower praise on Chioma’s natural beauty.


In his own words:


“Davido and Chioma are on the verge of having a dream wedding. Davido is determined to create a lasting impression that will be remembered for years to come.

“The wedding ring is rumored to be more valuable than the combined worth of 3 Rolls Royce cars.”

“Moreover, the ‘I’m not available’ singer is now available to secure enticing reservations for all attendees of this once-in-a-lifetime event.

“This wedding has already generated excitement beyond Nigeria’s borders, with many praising Chioma as a lucky woman.”

My friends, the truth is, Chioma’s good fortune isn’t mere luck, it is what she has rightfully earned. You attract what you reflect.

“She exudes humility, and one can sense her deep-rooted respect through her actions.

Most men shy away from drama, especially those in the limelight. Chioma has consistently exhibited remarkable composure over the years.”

“She avoids engaging in public or private disputes. She quietly processes whatever is said to her. No controversies, and above all, she possesses the strength to overlook things that most women wouldn’t.”

“She is simply authentic. No artificial enhancements. Just her true self. This genuineness is what captivated Davido. And Davido proudly showcases her at every opportunity, takes her to events, continuously expresses his love and admiration for her.”

“This doesn’t mean Davido is flawless, but he has shown how much he values her presence in his life.

Chioma has demonstrated that wealth, beauty, and other possessions are meaningless without good character.

She is not lucky; she is worthy and deserving of every good thing that comes her way. That is who she is. Nothing is coincidental.”




Reactions from the Public:


Omotosho Olushola Ireayomi Jnr commented; “Hopefully, she remains true to herself after marriage. Tolerance is essential. If she were to leave him, whom among the prominent figures would she choose next?”


Agu Benedette Ukamaka Iyke-Ekpokoba said: “Davido is indeed fortunate to have Chioma. She is a priceless gem. Mutual love and respect are crucial. May God bless their union, Amen.”


Blessing Okpaluwa added; “I hope they have a lasting marriage. Davido has his flaws too. “Since she has consented to it, may God guide her through. Amen.”

Josh Allahnanan remarked; “Davido’s actions are not about showcasing pride but rather emphasizing Chioma’s worthiness of his love and much more. He sees what others may overlook, and that is commendable.”

Julie Josh jokingly remarked; “Everything is en point, but you might want to verify the ‘no BBL and breast enhancement’ claim. Lol. “Check that carefully first.”

Anthony Blessing expressed; “He does not truly love Chioma. “And Chioma has demonstrated that money alone isn’t everything.”

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