When Katherine finally comes face-to-face with the Salvatore brothers, they insist she cut the dramatics and tell them her plan. Of course, like the sly devil she is, she simply tells them, “That’s for me to know and for you to . . .” clearly referring to Damon’s infamous line during season one, episode two.
2Ms. Cuddles
As Caroline gathers a few important belongings before evacuating Mystic Falls, she is seen carrying Bonnie’s bear, Ms. Cuddles, down the stairs. This stuffed animal goes through a lot during season six, both in the real world and the Prison World.
Stefan goes to Mystic Falls High to search for Elena’s body, and one of the first places he looks is an American history classroom. This is obviously a callback to when Elena and Stefan met in the cemetery and she told them they “have history together.”
When Stefan finally finds Elena, she is wearing a white lace blouse, a purple cardigan, and jeans. It may seem like nothing, but this is actually the exact same outfit she wears in season four, episode one, aka the day she becomes a vampire and her life changes forever.
Stefan and Caroline’s final goodbye is certainly heartbreaking, but did you know it is actually a Stelena reference? Stefan and Elena share the exact same words when they part ways in season one, episode 18.
Bonnie saves the day, as always, with a little help from her ancestors, including her Grams. It certainly seems fitting that the moment she realizes her fullest potential, she is standing beside the woman who helped her realize she is a witch.
After Stefan dies, he has a sweet reunion with Elena in Mystic Falls High as he passes from life to death. Of course, the moment wouldn’t be complete without recreating that run-in they have in the hallway
the first time they meet.
When Stefan reunites with his best friend, Lexi, in the afterlife, she jokes about his grand speech. His response? “I was feeling epic.” Not only is it the title of the series finale, but it’s actually Lexi’s infamous quote from season one, episode eight.