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Iran War: Christians, Muslims Must Unite to Fight Israel’s ‘Evil, Demonic Agenda’ – Fani-Kayode

iran war christians muslims must unite to fight israels evil demonic agenda fani kayode (via Primetweets)

A former Aviation Minister, Femi Fani-Kayode has called on Christians and Muslims to unite and resist Israel’s war against Palestine.

Fani-Kayode made the call on his X page.

According to him, Israel has an evil and demonic agenda against humanity.

In a post on X, the former minister likened Israel to Nazi Germany with “much blood on its hands.”

According to Fani-Kayode: “The sooner all Christians, whether Catholic or Protestant, and all Muslims, whether Shia or Sunni, set aside their differences, come together and unite to oppose and resist the Zionists and the Jewish state and to put a stop to their evil and demonic agenda the better it will be for humanity.

“How can a nation that thrives on carnage, ethnic cleansing, genocide and mass murder, that feeds on racism, apartheid, religious intolerance and injustice and that rejoices in killing women, children and babies be given pride of place in the comity of nations and how can they possibly have the nerve to describe themselves as God’s chosen people?

“The Israel of today, like Nazi Germany, has much blood on its hands and is not the Israel of yesterday.

“The Israel of King David, which was the Israel of yesterday, loved and reverred God and had a special place in His heart but the Israel of today, which is the Israel of Netanyahu, hates and despises God and is the beloved of satan.”


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