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Minimum Wage: Fuel Scarcity Looms Across Nigeria As NUPENG Mobilizes For Indefinite Strike

NUPENG General Secretary, Mr Afolabi Olawale, in a statement on Saturday, said the union was committed to ensuring total compliance with the directive.


The Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers, NUPENG has instructed its members to adhere to the indefinite nationwide strike mandated by Organized Labour.

The strike is slated to commence on Monday.

NUPENG General Secretary, Mr Afolabi Olawale, in a statement on Saturday, said the union was committed to ensuring total compliance with the directive.

Recall that the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, and the Trade Union Congress, TUC, declared an indefinite nationwide strike to begin on Monday.

The strike is to express Nigerian workers’ anger at the refusal of the Federal Government to adopt the proposed new minimum wage.

Afolabi said the union was concerned and disturbed with the insensitive attitude of the Federal Government “to the very critical issue of negotiating a new minimum wage for Nigerian workers”.

“This is in view of the various socio- economic policies of this administration that have impoverished the working people of this country.

“Leaders of our great union at all levels, from the units, zones and branches, should immediately put all processes in place to ensure total compliance with this directive,” he added.


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