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Pastor Adeboye Assures Nigerians of God’s Protection from Oppression by Those in Authority

Pastor Adeboye Assures Nigerians of God's Protection from Oppression by Those in Authority

Pastor Enoch Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), has given hope to the common man by declaring that God will soon burst the balloons of those in government who oppress the poor. During a live sermon on Sunday, Adeboye said that God had revealed at the start of the year that these balloons would burst in 2023. He expressed his sorrow that some people in positions of authority make life difficult for the average Nigerian. He went on to say that anyone who tries to stop the spread of the Gospel will be eaten by worms. The man of God declared that the Heavens will open and the Almighty God will come down and point out these people to the worms.


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