in Primetweets
#PrimetweetsTV Movie review: Child Of Pain
It’s an agony movie as Clem Ohaneze’s new wife denies Cha Cha Eke, he shuts her up and then Ngozi Ezeonu comes to fight for her. Cha Cha Eke’s mother is dead and her father’s new wife will not give her rest in her father’s house.Despite being barren Cha Cha Eke’s step mother sees nothing good in her. In her father’s house she is seen as a slave. Despite working round the clock Cha Cha is denied food and her father who is supposed to come to her aid only listens to the dictates of his wife and shuts Cha Cha up.Child of Pain features Clem Ohaneze, Ngozi Ezeonu, Cha Cha Eke and more.It’s really an interesting movie. Check on it!!!Download page will soon be updated!