
Attracting A Relationship With My Best Friend. – My Story

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I am so happy right now! I can’t believe that I am writing this story. I had a crush on my girl best friend for some time and wanted a relationship with her but a lot of things seemed to get in my way. The thing is, I knew she was the one for me because we have a lot in common and when we are with each other it seems really easy and everything is amazing. I was getting nowhere with my manifestations and visualizations, or so I thought. I used to get really jealous and uncomfortable when she talked to other guys or went out with them, but here is where I was wrong.

One Sunday evening I was lying on my couch trying to feel good and asking myself why was I not able to manifest my desire, what the hell am I doing wrong?! I grabbed my copy of The Power and started reading. That’s when something clicked in my mind “You’re doing everything right, your desire is here.” I was forgetting that an important part of getting what you want through the law of attraction is to receive and in order to receive you must let it go. Not of your desire but of all the doubts in your mind. Trust and know that you already have what you desire and then go on with your day.

I said to myself, “I am one with Eha and we are in a happy, healthy relationship where we give and receive unconditional love.” I only did this affirmation once after waking up and once before going to sleep. I also visualized less because I thought that if I was already with her, I would not be obsessively thinking about her or asking about when would we date or when it was going to happen. I would just send her positive thoughts, love, and energy and then go on with my day. So that is what I started doing, living, thinking, and feeling as if Eha and I were already together and I let go of all my doubts and worries about how, why, when, and where it would happen because that is the Universe’s business, not mine.

Then just one week later we were dating! She said to me what I had been saying to myself in my affirmations “You are the one for me.” My heart melted and I kissed her. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

So I hope this was helpful because a lot of times we find it hard to manifest something big, fast. Just remember that nothing is too big for the Universe. It took me a week but it can take you a second. All you have to do is believe fully in what you have asked the Universe for and it will give it to you. Then act as if you have already manifested it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so very much!

Submitted by: Drake

Chicago, Illinois

I am a 17 year old high school student.

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